Satya – Nadella, a Hydberabad born Indian has been named CEO of
Microsoft yesterday. He is
* 46 years young

* Joined Microsoft in 1992 and rose to the
position of CEO in less than 22 years
· * He says what he thinks and what he does is
shaped by his family and his overall life experience

This is a proud moment for all Indians
and specially the Telugus
from Andhra, which can boast of an Engineering
college for
every Kilometer. In the
last 10 years we have seen many Indians
heading many US and European multi
nationals but this success is ultimate and will further boost the Indian IT success
A technocrat and not a sales
or finance guy becoming the CEO should give a short in the arm to all

Getting into banks/government job as a Steno or an Assistant was the easy and sure goal of majority of middle class youngsters and the ambition of their not so ambitious parents. If they were lucky to get into such jobs, they used to get good matrimonial matches because of stability factor and they used to set out on the great journey of `contended middle class family life’.

I cannot comment whether such jobs are good or bad but what I am very sure is that any day they are better than becoming a steno or accounts assistant in a lalla’s manufacturing companies of 1970s or 1980s. Atleast they have good office, working environment, food and entertainment is provided and the lucky ones tend to get a boy/girl friend in the campus itself. After few years they are posted by their companies to US/Switzerland/Australia and for someone who studied in municipal schools or unknown private school that is the ultimate dream.

The fortunate story of ordinary Andhra boy making good in US does not end here but rubs on to their parents too. When the girl goes the Family way and since it is not affordable to have an aya/maid in US (and after Devayani episode it is quite scary too), then they all of a sudden start realizing their love for parents (specially mothers from both side) and that they are missing them.

From then start the great American journey of the old ladies from village to US with jars of pickles, Ghee and homemade stuff scaring the security personnel at US airports. For these simple middle class elderly people, who never stepped out of their own State, these `all expenses paid US trips’ are things even beyond their dreams. For next 5-6 years the parents of boy and girl take turns to go to US till the kids (normally two in number) are born and start going to school.
By that time the pump and pleasure of going to US turns into pain of 14-15 hours of sitting in the plane with joint pains and squeezing their heavy personalities in the tiny washroom and using western toilet after consuming homemade Andhra food and missing the company of old friends of same age group back in their village and the daily dose of gossip. But all these pains are worth for the youngsters and their supportive parents since it allows them to be on a perpetual ego boosting trip that they are in US and they keep filling their FB with photos taken in US and expect their neighbors in their town/village in Andhra turn green with envy.

Successful stories of someone
like Satya Nadella will be very inspirational to all these young girls and
boys. His graduating from Manipal
University and not from some fancy IIT or IIM should also inspire those who could
not make it to them and that is not the end of the world. The
efforts of Chandra Babu Noida who put Hydberad on the world IT map and many
successful IT companies of Andhra and other Southern states are laudable in
this hour of elation.
Jai Ho Indian IT Industry and Jai
Ho Satya Nadella
S. Prabhakar